PC Gaming
Computers Accessories


Computer technology puts legendary MEGA computer performance in reach of every personal computer user. The new MEGA (VLSI) Personal computer combines breakthrough Intel technology with an array of productivity and expansion features. It gives business users increased computing speed along with the capability to run powerful 32-bit software . They also gain the flexibility to customize the system, modifying it as their needs change. The MEGA computer provides an ideal way to boost performance for today’s business applications. It also delivers the capabilities you’ll need for the even more demanding applications of tomorrow. All told, it’s an investment in performance, quality and reliability that will deliver dividends well into the new world. The new MEGA computer is the best reason yet for everyone to have the power of computer technology. It lets you speed through today’s business applications and offers the advantages of powerful 32-bits environment and applications such as windows. Impressively equipped for today and tomorrow, the MEGA computer makes an ideal choice as a company’s standard personal computer.
With years of experience in hardware components, we meet the requirements of customers and provide fast delivery. The masterpieces of services help our customers to save money, time and energy with a simple phone call to our Marketing Department.


- PCCW BroadBand Plans
- Cabling Installation
- VoIP Telephony Solution
- VPN Solution
- Router Solution
- Video Camera Monitoring & Recording System

Computer Systems

Telecom Equipments

- PBX : NEC, Panasonic.


Our software solution is our fully integrated accounting software package with target aimed for meeting all major commercial application requirements of Hong Kong business organizations from trading firms to manufacturers.

Its rich functions, flexibility and easy user interface is based on combined efforts of experienced software specialists and accountants who have years of commercial software development and implementation experience.

Tailor-made Software Solution

- Windows programs
▪ Inventory, Purchasing, Order Processing, Accounting, and other database applications
▪ Animation and game
- Web pages
▪ Inventory, Purchasing, Order Processing, Accounting, and other database applications
▪ Web Market
▪ Animation and game
- Mobile Solutions
▪ Pocket PC applications
▪ Java mobile applications

Standard Software Packages Solution

Implementation of standard packages such as Microsoft Windows, Norton Antivirus and others.
